wawa(互关100%) pfp



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wawa(互关100%) pfp
Life can only get better if we take risks, and the biggest risk we can take first is to be honest. 我们只有敢于冒险,生活才能变得更好。我们首先要承担的最大风险,就是变得诚实。
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wawa(互关100%) pfp
Life can only get better if we take risks, and the biggest risk we can take first is to be honest. 我们只有敢于冒险,生活才能变得更好。我们首先要承担的最大风险,就是变得诚实。
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wawa(互关100%) pfp
When you change your thoughts, remember to change your world as well. 当你改变想法的时候,记得也要改变你的世界。
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wawa(互关100%) pfp
爱你所爱 想你所想
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wawa(互关100%) pfp
Pessimists see difficulties in opportunities. Optimists see opportunities in difficulties. 悲观者从机会中看到困难。乐观者从困难中看到机会
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wawa(互关100%) pfp
Learn as if you will live forever, live as if you will die tomorrow。像会永生那样去学习,像明天就要死亡那样去生活
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wawa(互关100%) pfp
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wawa(互关100%) pfp
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wawa(互关100%) pfp
No one can change you, others can only influence you, the only one who can change you is yourself. 没有人能改变你,别人只能影响你,能改变你的只有你自我。
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wawa(互关100%) pfp
Don't be satisfied with the small achievements in front of you. Ask yourself: Is this all I want in my life? 不要满足于眼前的小成就。问问自己:我这辈子就这样了吗?
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wawa(互关100%) pfp
Love is just a word, but no one can truly understand it. 情只是一个字,但却没有谁真正能真正把它读懂的。
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wawa(互关100%) pfp
No one can bring us down except ourselves. If we are strong, no bad influence can defeat us. 除了我们自己以外,没有人能贬低我们。如果我们坚强,就没有什么不良影响能够打败我们
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wawa(互关100%) pfp
If you want to win, you must not be afraid of losing. If you are not afraid of losing, you may not win. But if you are afraid of losing, the result will definitely be a loss. 要想赢,就必须不能怕输。不怕输,结果未必能赢。但是怕输,结果则必须是输。
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wawa(互关100%) pfp
The theory is thorough, the strategy is accurate. Then move forward with unwavering courage and spirit to overcome all difficulties, and you will surely succeed one day. 理论彻底,策略准确。然后以排除万难坚定不移的勇气和精神向前干去,必有成功的一日
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wawa(互关100%) pfp
If it is beneficial to the country, we will not avoid it because of misfortune or fortune. 苟利国家生死以,岂因祸福避趋之。
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wawa(互关100%) pfp
Never give up on what you really want. Waiting is hard, but regret is worse. 永远不要放弃你真正想要的东西,等待虽难,但后悔更甚。
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wawa(互关100%) pfp
We are the creators of our own destiny, the masters and executors of our own actions, and also the victims of our own actions. 我们是自己命运的制造者,是自己行为的主人和执行者,同时也是自己行为的受难者。
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wawa(互关100%) pfp
Watch the flowers bloom and wait for them to fall, know the cold and warmth by yourself, and stay clean as before. 闲看花开,静待花落,冷暖自知,干净如始。
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wawa(互关100%) pfp
Half of knowing what you want is knowing what you have to give up before you get it. 知道你想要什么,一半在于知道得到它之前必须放弃什么。
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wawa(互关100%) pfp
The so-called confusion means that your talent does not match your dream: you can't do big things, and you are unwilling to do small things; you don't want to do things at hand, you only want to do things in the sky. 所谓迷茫,就是才华配不上梦想:大事干不了,小事不肯干
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