🎩Leo pfp



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🎩Leo pfp
Gem #99💎: “We must all either wear out or rust out, every one of us. My choice is to wear out.” — Theodore Roosevelt 🙌🏽
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🎩Leo pfp
Gem #98💎: “Life is not a problem to be solved but a mystery to be lived with love and kindness” 🙌🏽
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🎩Leo pfp
Gem #97💎: “It is easier to make the world a better place than to prove you have made the world a better place” 🙌🏽
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🎩Leo pfp
Gem #96💎: “What you get will never make you happy in the long-term, who you become and what you contribute will” 🙌🏽
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🎩Leo pfp
Gem #95💎: “When you dream big your problems become small. The bigger the goal the bigger the blessing” 🙌🏽
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🎩Leo pfp
Gem #94💎: “Sometimes you don’t get what you want because you deserve better” 🙌🏽
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🎩Leo pfp
Gem #93💎: “If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things” 🙌🏽
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🎩Leo pfp
Gem #92💎: “Living your life for years like nobody’s will so that you can live the rest of your life like nobody else can” 🙌🏽
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🎩Leo pfp
Gem #91💎: “Inner peace is the new success, connections is the new currency and happiness is the new rich” 🙌🏽
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🎩Leo pfp
Gem #90💎: “Good things come to those who wait but better things comes to those who go and get them. Good things come to those who believe. Better things come to those who are patient. The best things come to those who never give up” 🙌🏽
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🎩Leo pfp
Gem #89💎: “The obstacle is the way” 🙌🏽
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🎩Leo pfp
Gem #88💎: “Nothing will ever come to you that is not meant to you and you cannot handle” 🙌🏽
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🎩Leo pfp
Gem #87💎: Find time to get bored, the highest underestimated yield activity that if well done and managed will reap the biggest results. Less is more and better 🙌🏽
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🎩Leo pfp
Gem #86💎:Being humble does not mean you are weak. It means you are so confident that you don’t mind hearing the truth about yourself, so that you can change” 🙌🏽
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🎩Leo pfp
Gem #85💎: Have a reason to live and wake up every day, the rest does not matter. If you have a reason you have a purpose to leave this world in a better place than when we found it 🙌🏽
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🎩Leo pfp
Gem #84💎: Retirement is to be achieved to stop living at work and start working to live 🙌🏽
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🎩Leo pfp
Gem #83💎: The Purpose of a destination is only to give us direction to where we want to go but it is not meant to serve as our final journey point. Trust the process, fall in love with the person who you are becoming along the way rather than sapping all your energy into who you think you want to become 🙌🏽
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🎩Leo pfp
Gem #82💎: “Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow”🙌🏽
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🎩Leo pfp
Gem #81💎: “The journey of discovery lies in not seeking new landscapes but seeing it with new eyes” 🙌🏽
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🎩Leo pfp
Gem #80💎: "Weak people revenge. Strong people forgive. Intelligent people ignore" 🙌🏽
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