Lê Linh pfp

Lê Linh


2500 Following

Lê Linh pfp
Lê Linh
I just voted "Reconfirm John Kennedy to GCPC" on "GCP Council Re-Confirmation Vote for John Kennedy" https://snapshot.org/#/arbitrumfoundation.eth/proposal/0x63dd46900098540b321d48dc1bdcc09cc8cb7cb0dcc85ceb81dceac812b86e06 #SnapshotVote
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10 recasts
20 reactions

Lê Linh pfp
Lê Linh
Không thể tưởng tượng nổi! Bắt đầu hôm nay với trái tim biết ơn và tư duy tích cực. https://check-degen-stats-v2.vercel.app/api?v=1
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19 recasts
30 reactions

Lê Linh pfp
Lê Linh
Being a while here, please stake on me thanks
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26 recasts
60 reactions

Lê Linh pfp
Lê Linh
🌿🤩 https://images.lens.phaver.com/insecure/raw:1/plain/fcec7f20339228c3c56fe3db8400dd6e
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43 recasts
130 reactions

Lê Linh pfp
Lê Linh
GM ✌🏾🤓✌🏾 https://ik.imagekit.io/lens/media-snapshot/f35fd63355695d18a2eb6f5556563fbeb16937250d9c6986583f6c5d990c6a60.png
0 reply
45 recasts
86 reactions

Lê Linh pfp
Lê Linh
Just claimed my $BONSAI for playing the cryptothegame https://ik.imagekit.io/lens/media-snapshot/008942099c11a2e185c81d332dbc6ed3508fcc72e7fff6a00e7ca390e93e3281.webp
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52 recasts
85 reactions

Lê Linh pfp
Lê Linh
mexico wins https://gw.ipfs-lens.dev/ipfs/QmY9c55G817DPqRTJ2da3TJPcCDXwjwtZNRpQUkQAzREUy
0 reply
1 recast
6 reactions

Lê Linh pfp
Lê Linh
El viernes estaré reviviendo el workshop que armamos para ETHEREUM CHILE. Será en la comunidad de Telegram de cristobalweb3 (muchas gracias por el espacio). Estaré compartiendo el PDF de la clase y un libro que tokenizamos ese día, para mintar gratis por zoranetwork. Así que todos invitados 📖 ⛓ https://t.me/PoeticaWeb3
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83 recasts
146 reactions

Lê Linh pfp
Lê Linh
🕹️ Come play games in the Farcade!
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78 recasts
150 reactions

Lê Linh pfp
Lê Linh
Hey Phaver doesn't recognize Proof of Humanity as an identity proof for leveling... Instead they suggest to complete some KYC.... shame on you phaver.lens #lens #phaver #poh
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0 recast
0 reaction

Lê Linh pfp
Lê Linh
There is no Metaverse without creator sovereignty. Thus, there is no Metaverse without monetization. And therefore, there is no monetization without web3.
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14 recasts
28 reactions

Lê Linh pfp
Lê Linh
hey everybody :) https://canhrau.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/nhung-hinh-anh-phong-canh-dep-nhat-hinh-6.jpg
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31 recasts
61 reactions

Lê Linh pfp
Lê Linh
Ho dude if you ain't bullish You ain't got $BALLS get some $BALLS https://www.dailymeme.io/coin/0xef53c848f12c4b0f8bc6ffb5cc531b129bb9b7fe
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32 recasts
56 reactions

Lê Linh pfp
Lê Linh
🕹️ Come play games in the Farcade!
0 reply
6 recasts
12 reactions

Lê Linh pfp
Lê Linh
I just voted "In favour, yes onchain mechanism" on "Hackathon Continuation Program" https://snapshot.org/#/arbitrumfoundation.eth/proposal/0xf922eb584e616475100222fba40b0d6574ffc113bbb5b92b76e40bb2a91e45dc #SnapshotVote https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ-0j0xp-JgTXdp31-eob4c_tZChPWdiARvFw&s
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5 recasts
13 reactions

Lê Linh pfp
Lê Linh
Happy Father's day to all the amazing fathers. We are the real MVP
0 reply
26 recasts
69 reactions

Lê Linh pfp
Lê Linh
Gaming interoperability be like: https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ2i0TGiciYj7sQPRnmYEC5DkdTGxY4WAsTmw&s
0 reply
5 recasts
10 reactions

Lê Linh pfp
Lê Linh
Cooking in London. https://images.lens.phaver.com/insecure/raw:t/plain/30f0b4d2ba260f1e451752b837adb601
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5 recasts
13 reactions

Lê Linh pfp
Lê Linh
make it simple but significant! ✨ https://gw.ipfs-lens.dev/ipfs/bafybeifhmri4z2lv5it2epx7zxukdrhjuybee7denfwde23zr2jcop3cku
0 reply
35 recasts
60 reactions

Lê Linh pfp
Lê Linh
😜😁 Hấp diêm! tui luôn cảm thấy an tâm khi có tỉ tỉ bên cạnh. https://check-masks-stats.vercel.app/frames?userfid=306729&v=1
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31 recasts
50 reactions