Zenigame pfp



707 Following

Zenigame pfp
@saxophone55.eth - analytical and clever, creating valuable Dune queries, mostly Japanese but would almost certainly be a PB if straight English. @payao - sources English content and localizes it for the Japanese community (via quote cast)
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Zenigame pfp
Once again, love when founders do their own support. @dwr.eth is in there listening to everyone complain about Warpcast and debate about prioritizing different features. I don't agree with all of the takes (who does?), but I respect the conviction and the willingness to debate in public.
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Zenigame pfp
Lots of small things, including animated pfps, create a particular vibe. I haven't been around long enough to have a great feel, but I'd be wary of killing something a subset of WC users deeply love and associate with as part of the core WC experience.
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Zenigame pfp
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Zenigame pfp
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Zenigame pfp
a bit of post-processing to grab the first frame of an animation and switch it for data-saving mode?
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Zenigame pfp
Legit just changed mine to animated this week too
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Zenigame pfp
I think you should be able to post videos?
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Zenigame pfp
Every once in a while I get annoyed that I can't easily view the number of replies when I'm inside of a cast even though I can before I click on it. It seems strangely inconsistent. See image below ๐Ÿ‘‡
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Zenigame pfp
it depends on how deep we decide to delve into the casts
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Zenigame pfp
I had to do a double take when I ran out of data my first month on here ๐Ÿ˜…
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Zenigame pfp
We need a prediction market for level of pitchforks. I don't know how to measure it yet but there must be something.
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Zenigame pfp
Priority mode is a double-edged sword cause I like meeting new people in the Japanese speaking community but Power Badges aren't common. Following as many as I see them, but not there yet.
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justin.ahn.eth (๐Ÿฆถ,๐Ÿช) pfp
justin.ahn.eth (๐Ÿฆถ,๐Ÿช)
don't mind me, just casting a fresh frame drop frame for the channel supported tokens: DEGEN, USDC, ETH, BLEU, YOYO, BERRY and GRND (all on @base) and link for those who need ๐Ÿ‘‰ frames.quid.li
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Zenigame pfp
I'd been so focused on data that I hadn't even noticed the battery drain ๐Ÿ˜ฑ
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Zenigame pfp
I wish it was just burning up the processor. Each short session eats like 10% or more of my monthly data (4gb)
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Zenigame pfp
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Zenigame pfp
I like this idea as well
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Zenigame pfp
I don't get crashes, but I do get lots of weird behavior from things like this
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Zenigame pfp
Similarly, not having to refresh to view cast replies (which seems to be needed some times but not others)
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