Leighton pfp
I’m super curious to watch $DEGEN evolve. I have a loose thesis that becoming a utility / governance token might actually be bad vs. embracing pure memecoin status
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Caster Cat #648 🎩 pfp
Caster Cat #648 🎩
Will be interesting on having its own chain i dont think this detracts from meme value (DOGE) and tipping i think is accretive to meme value since meme coins are social tokens and tipping adds a positive sum element other meme coins dont have
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MJC @ Farcon pfp
MJC @ Farcon
yea utility being bearish is a constant across cycles
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zoo pfp
degen hasn't been "just a memecoin" since you had to hold 10k to tip
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six β€” f/arcon ↑ pfp
six β€” f/arcon ↑
man i was thinking about the same thing. everyone's like "degen isn't a memecoin 😀", and i feel like that might limit its upside + introduce new execution risks
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bw 🎩 ↑ pfp
bw 🎩 ↑
It's still in that ambiguous state where ppl can put whatever valuation they want on it. Memecoin? Done. Layer 3 / Blockchain? You're filled. Memetic Social Money? You're also good. As with anything if you reduce the stories that can be told the audience also gets smaller
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Timbrrr 🎩🧒 ↑ πŸ–  pfp
Timbrrr 🎩🧒 ↑ πŸ–
As long as the utility still ties to the principle of attention and community growth I think it’ll stay on a great trajectory. It has only been one quarter, some missteps will come.
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