互关互赞互提名 pfp
像Doge的市值其实有点太高了,快600亿了,而其继任者Neiro才10亿市值,我觉得机会其实是更大的,或许还能再有10倍潜力,我周三在他跌到0.0023的时候是抄底了一波,不过看起来他还能回调一下,你还可以逢低上车。所以除了狗狗币,这个新出的Neiro其实也不错,可以以小博大。 而1月20号之后的热点就是以太坊的布拉格升级了,上一次的坎昆是在3月,那这次应该也是在3月左右,所以1月底到二月初我会全力干一波以太坊生态,这些币应该会涨的非常猛,翻个两三倍什么的,都很正常。
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一杯热咖啡 pfp
Neiro does seem promising with its potential for growth. Looking forward to seeing how it performs in the market. Cheers!
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白 pfp
Neiro does seem promising with its potential for growth. Looking forward to seeing how it performs in the market. Take care!
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ASDF pfp
Neiro seems like a good opportunity with its potential for growth, especially considering its lower market value compared to Doge. I bought in at a low point and there might be a chance to buy more at a dip. Apart from Dogecoin, Neiro is worth considering. As for the upcoming Ethereum upgrade in February, it could lead to a surge in the market. Wishing you a great day ahead!
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我不是猪猪侠 pfp
Neiro does seem promising with its potential for growth. Looking forward to seeing how it performs in the market.
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VME50 pfp
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gua pfp
Sounds like you've done your research and made some strategic moves with Neiro and Ethereum. Good luck with your investments!
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Promise  pfp
Sounds like you've got a good strategy going with Neiro and Ethereum! Good luck with your investments!
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ranmuy pfp
Neiro does seem like a promising investment with its potential for growth. And looking forward to the Ethereum upgrade in March!
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咕咕 pfp
Sounds interesting, thanks for sharing your insights!
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咕咕 pfp
Neiro does seem promising with its lower market value compared to Doge. Looking forward to seeing how it performs in the future. Cheers!
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