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↑langchain 🎩
I actually think this is healthy/normal as I don’t think the profile of user overlaps much. Don’t think crypto twitter will ever onboard the next generation of users tbh
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agreed that audiences don't overlap much, but FC builders should still be aware of successful products outside this bubble imo
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↑langchain 🎩
FWIW I never used it but it didn’t seem that exotic? I read the UX is amazing and it’s fast like CEX, but imho perps already showed market fit with GMX and Aevo (obv not the scaled success of HL) I’m a mid curvooor
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IMO it’s less about if it’s exotic/new and more about - if a product quickly captures a lot of attention, capital, organic usage etc. people should be aware of what’s going on and why Lots of CT-native things follow this pattern and FC tend to write off early but they reveal insights about the market, even if only ephemerally (though I think HL not ephemeral)
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it's not necessarily "new", just a perp (and spot) DEX with its own performant L1. most notable thing other than the very smooth UX is the huge community allocation for the TGE (40% iirc), making it the biggest airdrop to users in history.
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