Lane pfp



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Lane pfp
This week's topic: the difficulty of changing your mind, and three big things I've changed my mind about. Just published: Changing My Mind
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Lane pfp
The Spacemesh network is under growing strain due to the rapidly increasing number of miners. Read these two articles to understand what we're doing about this today and what we might choose to do longer term. First, an article we just published in the company blog
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Lane pfp
Being a parent is awesome!
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Lane pfp
Short break from tech. I wrote something a little more reflective and personal this week. I hope it resonates, and I hope you find it useful. Just published: Chapters
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Lane pfp
I don't mind at all paying for a pass here and there, and I've paid for a few, but effectively having to pay for every individual "hashtag" I use is getting expensive and untenable. I'm interested in a lot of topics! Maybe there's a better way to prevent spam...
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Lane pfp
I've been thinking more about AI lately, and in particular about the things it still can't do (but, hopefully, someday will be able to!) Just published: What AI Still Can’t Do
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Lane pfp
Why Warpcast is a good app 👇
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Lane pfp
Finally got around to playing with this AO computer thing. It feels a lot like /urbit a few years ago (before the Landscape UI launched). Fresh, exciting, high potential, but still really clumsy. Interesting.
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Lane pfp
Wait, farcaster doesn't support hashtags? Like, at all? So if you want to talk about something that isn't a user and isn't a channel... how do you do that? Or are you supposed to turn everything into a channel? But that costs money and requires owners? I really don't get it.
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Lane pfp
This is the direction we're going with the #athenavm and it's kind of a big deal. Writing a bunch on it this week, more soon.
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Lane pfp
The combination of Rust, RISC-V, LLVM, and ZK is extraordinarily powerful and will have a big impact on the future of computing. It's nuanced and I think most people haven't figured this out yet, but smart folks are starting to wake up to it.
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Lane pfp
This was a fun one! This week I wrote about one of my favorite topics, virtualization and abstraction in the long-arc context of application architecture, computing, the web, and blockchain.
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Lane pfp
Wen "Share to Farcaster" link on Substack? 🤔
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Lane pfp
exchange 42.69 😜
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Lane pfp
This week I built… Archbot! along with master hipster @ale. See description below. @daimo uses @base USDC and we use the Daimo API to read a farcaster user’s registered base wallet address
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Lane pfp
Still recovering from an all night hack session, my first in a few years. @ale and I built a bot+frame combo called @archbot that’s a decentralized p2p exchange for @daimo $USDC on @base <> Venmo $USD. E2E demo is here:
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Lane pfp
Testing in production ftw see you tomorrow morning
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Lane pfp
I've been a lot less active here the past couple of weeks because of what seems like unnecessary gatekeeping in the Farcaster community. Posted more about it here:
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Lane pfp
Just concluded a very intense week of research with the research team. I originally intended to post updates here throughout the week but between research and fighting jet lag there really wasn’t a chance 😅 Working on some summary notes now, more soon! ✌️
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Lane pfp
Research gathering is underway! Love these humans. More updates soon.
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