Lance pfp



66 Following

Lance pfp
Just thought I would mention that you ask great questions. Questions from someone that truly cares about web3 the ethos and what it can ultimately bring to people lives. Not just doing random stuff that makes no sense like launching a token to raise a ton of money or to just create hype to in a way stay relevant in this space. It’s great and more projects should take a page from your book imo. Not everything should be about tokens or money.
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Lance pfp
Not sure how easy it is but on some lens clients it is possible to see lens, farcaster, and x all in on app. It might be cool to be able to have something similar here sort of making SocialFi more interoperable.
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Lance pfp
Good to see you still here! 🫡
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Lance pfp
Let me know how it goes and I might try it.
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Lance pfp
Hey casters! Let’s see what this is all about. 👀
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