areyouhere pfp
1/3 One of the goals of blockchain is to try to make the exclusivity of access to databases meaningless. That is, while closed databases may or may not be accessed, the blockchain is accessed by everyone. Thus it disavows, at least in this aspect, the very idea of gaining "secrecy" of data.
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areyouhere pfp
2/3 Therefore, for open databases, the idea of access or non-access is meaningless. One could say that the very existence of blockchain as an open database makes the notion of access meaningless. Or it makes it a little different than in the case of conventional databases.
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areyouhere pfp
2/3 Therefore, for open databases, the idea of access or non-access is meaningless. One could say that the very existence of blockchain as an open database makes the notion of access meaningless. Or it makes it a little different than in the case of conventional databases.
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