🍀 Lammer pfp
🍀 Lammer
Anyone with experience minting on Manifold and/or Bueno.art?
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Joshua Fisher βŒβ—¨-β—¨ γƒ†πŸŽ© pfp
Joshua Fisher βŒβ—¨-β—¨ γƒ†πŸŽ©
@nounishprof @toadyhawk.eth could we loop in Bueno folks or maybe you could help?
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I have a mint on manifold for my HODL community membership! https://app.manifold.xyz/c/hhqmembership Lmk whatever questions you may have 🫑
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Nounish Prof βŒβ—§-β—§πŸŽ© pfp
Nounish Prof βŒβ—§-β—§πŸŽ©
Yes β€” Have a project on bueno and less experience with manifold (I just tend to use Zora more). Let me know if I can help.
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