zack pfp



489 Following

zack pfp
There's no silver bullet, but a few go-tos: - Write it out. I find writing is the most reliable way for me to structure my thoughts and connect ideas. - Metaphors and analogies. More often than not, the essence of a problem or experience can be mapped onto an existing, seemingly unrelated experience/mental model. Helps approach things from a new angle. - Embrace speed. Sometimes a "creative block" is really just decision paralysis. I find rapid iteration (good, bad or ugly) is the only surefire way to make progress. There's something to learn from even the worst ideas. - Collab. There's no shame in asking for help or getting fresh eyes on something after toiling away in isolation. Getting outside input and/or a new perspective can be a game changer. - Give it time. I've never designed something in a day that doesn't benefit from one more hour of refinement the following day. Sometimes there just aren't any shortcuts.
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zack pfp
Best CLI experience you've ever had?
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zack pfp
Moving in September, most likely somewhere in the Wicker Park/UV/Bucktown area. Words of wisdom, warnings, advice or recommendations for an east coast transplant?
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zack pfp
Always name layers in design system components as a courtesy to other designers and to influence naming of components in codebase. Usually name layers in complex prototypes for my own sanity + easy smart animations. Sometimes name parent frames in hand-off ready files for clarity. Prediction: Figma releases an AI-powered layer auto-naming feature within the next year.
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zack pfp
> Grew up during golden age of gadgets; web1 to web2 transition > Loved movies, music, art, pop culture as a kid but REALLY loved video games and technology > Started college as a CS major. Gravitated towards startup/tech sphere and assumed comp sci was the way to get there > Assumed design == graphic design. While at school, discovered UX as a discipline and switched my major halfway through first semester > Everything clicked. Mix of tech, logical + creative problem-solving, systems thinking, aesthetics + visual design, etc. scratched an itch I didn't know I had. > Completed two full-time internships while in college and was able to see how design was practiced outside of academia. Great validation and incredible learning experience. > Haven't looked back since; feel insanely lucky to do something I love every day!
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zack pfp
👋 I'll be hanging in /lounge talking design with some other very talented folks for the next couple weeks Intro in 🧵👇
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zack pfp
Huge fan of @nopattern's work — Stoked to finally own a piece!
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zack pfp
Permissionless brand collabs? ↑↑↑
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zack pfp
Smart wallets mean any brand can sponsor any mint, with or without their own frontend
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zack pfp
going to the user research store, anyone need anything?
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zack pfp
Yes I design a cover for every Figma file. No I do not want it spammed across Slack every time I share a link.
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zack pfp
I'm a duplass-safdie, cohen cusp wbu
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zack pfp
First Mishima mint! Morning hike through the blue ridge mountains.
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zack pfp
what it feels like when I cast to /design
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zack pfp
optimism is a fundamental pre-requisite for great design
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zack pfp
A Grammarly-style browser extension that translates crypto slang/acronyms on hover
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zack pfp
SIWF support from @magiclabs comin' soon 👀
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zack pfp
Claiming my /scoop profile with address: 0xCc5A72dB0C6E773801D9A01d08AcD8e855661d09 let the scoop wars begin 🍦
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zack pfp
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zack pfp
Obligatory cross-cast How much of a good crit should be presentation vs. conversation?
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