Kyle McCollom pfp
Kyle McCollom
1/ Stoked to announce @daylight’s $3M seed round co-led by Chapter One and Framework Ventures. This round is stacked with participation from leaders in web3 who know how important the ability layer is and have helped shape Daylight to solve their own problems.
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tldr (tim reilly) pfp
tldr (tim reilly)
This def solves a problem for me! super hard to keep track of opps What’s your model for pulling and filtering “abilities”? I signed up and noticed that a uniswap drop that my wallet was eligible for (bc used geniexyz before April 22) was not in feed. For me, $$ airdrops like this, ens, blur, looksrare >>> all
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Kyle McCollom pfp
Kyle McCollom
Trying to track down that allowlist! It’s not public yet.
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tldr (tim reilly) pfp
tldr (tim reilly)
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