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eric.base.eth 🔵
how are we thinking about linking in-app accounts to 'primary' accounts like smart wallet? CBSW is great for bringing a primary smart account to any application but in-app accounts still provide better UX, particularly in gaming where the txn UX should integrated with the game and not be an external pop-up
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Kyle McCollom
session keys! you'll be able to issue a signer to another app, only scoped to specific actions (for example - only able to interact with friendtech contracts).
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eric.base.eth 🔵
So as an example: 1. Login to game & sign with primary passkey to create a session key held by game servers 2. Any game txn uses the session key to execute seamlessly 3. All assets are secure because the scope of the session is restricted (how do I as a user have confidence in this?) It may be crypto trauma but I still get nervous giving signing permissions on my primary account to another app. Would some type of account linking work in order to limit this risk so that I can guarantee that the game only has access to the sub account funds and nothing in my primary? Or is this functionally the same outcome with a different architecture because session keys could create a scope which mimics sub account behavior
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