kareem pfp



84 Following

kareem pfp
this is deep lol
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kareem pfp
e/acc vs excel sheet users https://x.com/omargrafa/status/1763388846350422186?s=46&t=Fo9c24hLlomSDaB-aNMfJg
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kareem pfp
If you'd like early access to our AI crytpo accountant DM me :)
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kareem pfp
We at @entendre use Groq & mixtral-8x7b-32768 to absolutely blaze 🚀 through implementations to automate customer crypto accounting before they even access the platform... how do /founders handle lightening in a bottle, the excitement and anxiety is crippling 🤦‍♂️
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kareem pfp
welcoming @entendre to /farcaster
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kareem pfp
ICYMI: I jumped on X Spaces to chat with the /arbitrum team about how Entendre Finance is working to scale the back office accounting of some of their largest projects using /ai https://x.com/arbitrum/status/1757842290674946310?s=46
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kareem pfp
hey farcasters, if you'll be at @ethdenver please join @dmo, @eleniloop, @harryalford3 and I for a Web3 payments & AI happy hour! https://t.co/TMvLQNyU0l
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kareem pfp
What do you guys think of "restaking from anywhere" https://x.com/connext/status/1759670116034428948?s=46&t=Fo9c24hLlomSDaB-aNMfJg
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kareem pfp
hey founders, if you'll be at @ethdenver please join @dmo, @eleniloop, @harryalford3 and I for a Web3 Fintech happy hour! https://t.co/LORDV4k94L
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kareem pfp
maybe you guys can acquire off-ramp.eth (are hyphens allowed!?)
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kareem pfp
🚀 Introducing Entendre's Onboarding Concierge, designed to slash implementation time from months to minutes. Traditionally, accounting systems require incredible human effort to be properly migrated to. In a Web3 world this shouldn't be the case. Join the waitlist for early access! form.typeform.com/to/YGFhH66O
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kareem pfp
🚀 Introducing Entendre's Onboarding Concierge, designed to slash implementation time from months to minutes. Traditionally, accounting systems require incredible human effort to be properly adopted. In a Web3 world this shouldn't be the case. Join the waitlist for early access! form.typeform.com/to/YGFhH66O
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kareem pfp
@dwr.eth are there plans to create a X spaces feature for farcaster?
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kareem pfp
Hi Farcaster Friends! We launched on Product Hunt and have a pretty cool video that shows how we use AI to automate Web3 finance operations! Entendre Finance: Accounting AI for Web3 teams https://www.producthunt.com/posts/entendre-finance-1
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kareem pfp
Hey y'all, i'm back, who would like a demo of AI in a web3 context, we are automating financial reporting and accounting for Web3 teams
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kareem pfp
Hey y'all! We launched our AI marketing page for Entendre, AI powered fully automated blockchain accounting for Web3 finance teams. check us out https://ai.entendre.finance
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kareem pfp
🚀Introducing Entendre! 🚀 Web3’s only AI powered and automated accounting and cash management platform! We’ve raised $4M backed by Basis Set, Valhalla Ventures, Moonpay, Caffeinated Capital, and more to bring much needed support to on-chain teams. https://entendre.finance
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kareem pfp
Can you post videos on farcaster!?
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kareem pfp
I really need help understanding the point of vector databases and embeddings in OpenAI. It’s not to store your application data, but rather the chain of knowledge the LLM knows?
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kareem pfp
Is this good place to get feedback on a company hype video?
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