Karel Vuong pfp

Karel Vuong


44 Following

Karel Vuong pfp
Karel Vuong
Great collaborating with the @hatsprotocol team on this. Helping set the stage to strengthen @treasuredao’s onchain governance, starting with our role in Arbitrum!
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Karel Vuong pfp
Karel Vuong
A new Arbitrum Orbit chain has entered the game... 🕹️👀
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Karel Vuong pfp
Karel Vuong
Meet Treasure Ruby ♾️✨ The first version of the Treasure Chain testnet is live! • All new Treasure Portal • Shards point system AND... • Major partnerships with EigenLayer, LayerZero, @calderaxyz, and @thirdweb 🤝 📄 Full announcement: https://treasuredao.substack.com/p/treasure-ruby-testnet-launch
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Karel Vuong pfp
Karel Vuong
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Karel Vuong pfp
Karel Vuong
Treasure Ruby Testnet Update: Timeline, Staking and more! 🗓️ Treasure Ruby Testnet Launch: Week of Apr 22 🤝 Big partnerships incoming 🥩 $MAGIC staking is coming (beyond Harvesters) 💠 New quest + points system to reward early adopters Read more 👇 https://x.com/karelvuong/status/1777852674773324204
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Karel Vuong pfp
Karel Vuong
/treasure's in a great position to benefit from the GCP: 1️⃣ We’ve been w /arbitrum since the start (Oct 2021) 2️⃣ We pioneered its games + NFT market 3️⃣ We've spent millions to bring games/players/liquidity 4️⃣ We've got awesome games 5️⃣ We're a truly bottom-up eco Let's get 👇 passed! ✨
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Karel Vuong pfp
Karel Vuong
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Karel Vuong pfp
Karel Vuong
The proposal for the Arbitrum Gaming Catalyst Program is up on the forum! 🕹️ The GCP is an ambitious 200M ARB ($400M+) program to make /arbitrum – and everything orbiting it – the defacto destination for web3 gaming. 📄: https://forum.arbitrum.foundation/t/catalyze-gaming-ecosystem-growth-on-arbitrum/22368
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Karel Vuong pfp
Karel Vuong
“We’re seeing this opportunity to build new IP as a decentralized game publisher - almost like a new Marvel Cinematic Universe, but one that is truly bottom-up.” 👉 @treasuredao ✨ https://decrypt.co/216855/treasure-chain-crypto-gaming-arbitrum-ethereum
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Karel Vuong pfp
Karel Vuong
Introducing Treasure: Infinity Chains ✨ The litepaper for the Treasure Chain is here! This expands upon our vision to build an end-to-end gaming ecosystem. Everything connected by $MAGIC, powering infinite games. 👉 https://go.treasure.lol/litepaper
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Karel Vuong pfp
Karel Vuong
Treasure litepaper today. ♾️✨
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Karel Vuong pfp
Karel Vuong
Gems = Points but way more fun. 💎 Hope you’ve been stacking ‘em on Treasure! 🔜
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Karel Vuong pfp
Karel Vuong
There really is no substitute for face time. Had a packed, amazing three days with the leads of Treasure’s core team. Strong vision, perfect alignment, and a solid plan to execute. All with absolute trust in each other and a personal connection you can’t replicate over the interwebs. The world isn’t ready. ✨
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Karel Vuong pfp
Karel Vuong
Rainbow 🌈 x SMOL 💜
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Karel Vuong pfp
Karel Vuong
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Karel Vuong pfp
Karel Vuong
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Karel Vuong pfp
Karel Vuong
Enter Treasure. ✨ Need more web3-native games and IP here on Farcaster!
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Karel Vuong pfp
Karel Vuong
gm gamers ✨
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