kugusha ↑ pfp

kugusha ↑


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kugusha ↑ pfp
kugusha ↑
(re-)entering my country era he's so good https://youtu.be/IsT9VBN730M?si=TbfQPuEDsgUtjpVl
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kugusha ↑ pfp
kugusha ↑
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kugusha ↑ pfp
kugusha ↑
Builder role-models of the day @woj.eth - /supercast @jtgi - /automod @df - /open-frames https://www.build.top/nominate/0x8379bD16381620914d8fA3d535F6Ca9eF23ece53
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kugusha ↑ pfp
kugusha ↑
oh wait what if instead of competing we collaborate? shout out to @ripe and @catra.eth for the higher-native pfp collections remix ↑ ↑ ↑
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kugusha ↑ pfp
kugusha ↑
Committed to support any activity that brings people together and helps to build new connections Thank you @benna & @benoit-tokyo for the organization, thank you @jacob @zora for the support!
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kugusha ↑ pfp
kugusha ↑
Saturday morning feels very higher-aligned to me happy weekend y’all
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kugusha ↑ pfp
kugusha ↑
Saturday morning AMA on degenask.me/kugusha.eth @flamekaiser @neelpatel how do I "earn $DEGEN for your questions"? This part is not clear to me, do I earn tokens if I answer the questions or ask them?
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kugusha ↑ pfp
kugusha ↑
2 thoughts i keep reminding myself to not loose touch with reality: - we're in a positive and optimistic info bubble on FC - i'm not representative as a target audience for 99% crypto projects
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kugusha ↑ pfp
kugusha ↑
Week 2. /gallery x /art - celebrating the artists of Farcaster 💜 10 artworks, each artwork is available to mint with warps in the frame https://gallery.so/kugusha/galleries/2gPnXM5N5Es5sH77slTNZ5lEyyk
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kugusha ↑ pfp
kugusha ↑
cast action for nomination will tip some $higher if someone ships this
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kugusha ↑ pfp
kugusha ↑
Committing to keep my /build strike for at least 3 weeks. I find this a great way to publicly acknowledge and bring attention to the highest-value people in the ecosystem
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kugusha ↑ pfp
kugusha ↑
Day 1. Nominating @tldr for building not your regular sports betting onchain /bracket @xenbh.eth for making us /roam @grin being a role-model for IRL community building https://www.build.top/
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kugusha ↑ pfp
kugusha ↑
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kugusha ↑ pfp
kugusha ↑
Constantin Brâncuși at Centre Pompidou «Simplicity is not an end in art. We achieve simplicity despite ourselves, by approaching the true meaning of things. Simplicity is complexity resolved, and we need to feed on its essence in order to understand its value.»
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kugusha ↑ pfp
kugusha ↑
self-organized dream team w @fffflood ↑ ↑ ↑ https://zora.co/collect/base:0xac603bdd938a36cbe0a6173ccb699b2ca5ba0ddb/14?referrer=0x9469D51f31E13Fcb119BDF155BC20B4c5f69e35b
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kugusha ↑ pfp
kugusha ↑
(Mental) health is wealth 💚 This gallery is a collection of onchain artefacts dedicated to Mental Health Action Day. The initiative is led by @chicbangs.eth and supported by @raven50mm @les @tinyrainboot @roller & movewithcrux https://gallery.so/kugusha/galleries/2gYDbU7je4CtKFuVnvSuVdj8vGs
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kugusha ↑ pfp
kugusha ↑
higher-coded by @vitalik.eth optimism and value generation ftw https://twitter.com/VitalikButerin/status/1791106599487979642
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kugusha ↑ pfp
kugusha ↑
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kugusha ↑ pfp
kugusha ↑
first $higher /fabric hypersub, who?
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kugusha ↑ pfp
kugusha ↑
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