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krel pfp
We also added Queue and Execute functionality to the ⛺️ today!
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Toady Hawk 🟡🎩 ᖽ  pfp
Toady Hawk 🟡🎩 ᖽ
Is that a campfire I smell, or have you just been cooking?
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krel pfp
total aside but i feel a pressing need tp pick up on some of the basic american/canadian scout and camping lore we have scouts in sweden too, but afaict, the culture and rituals differ quite a bit
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Toady Hawk 🟡🎩 ᖽ  pfp
Toady Hawk 🟡🎩 ᖽ
I never really thought of camping as having lore. I’m an avid camper though, go out every weekend I can during our short summers. What is swedish camping lore?
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