Korean🇰🇷BDE pfp



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Korean🇰🇷BDE pfp
BigEnergy Daily 👏 by KDE: Moxie Notify Challenge Update We’ve got confirmed winners for the Moxie Notify demo challenge! @broekaselalujp for the replyke reward, and @archilles secured the 10k degen reward for successfully casting the demo to the BE channel via the moxie notify. Their qualifications have been confirmed by @lildegenenergy.eth , who also officially closed the contest. Thanks to everyone who participated, and stay tuned for more updates 🫂
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Korean🇰🇷BDE pfp
Apologies for the previous post. I casted it after seeing the pinned post 😔.
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Korean🇰🇷BDE pfp
안녕하세요, 여러분! 채널 일정에 대한 @valhalla1 의 설문조사에 참여하는 것을 잊지 마세요. 여러분의 의견은 중요하니, 모두가 의견을 제시할 수 있도록 합시다! (Hey everyone! Just a gentle reminder to participate in @valhalla1 's poll regarding the channel schedule. Your input is important, so let’s make sure everyone weighs in!)
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Korean🇰🇷BDE pfp
ANNOUNCEMENT!!!!!!!! ARTOBER Fest Update: Addressing Fraud and Encouraging Positivity Hey /bigenergy y community, I’m here to report an unfortunate incident during ARTOBER Fest. Recently, someone attempted to fake a mint and tagged both @bigdegenenergy.eth and @pichi hoping to provoke a reaction. While the transparency of blockchain technology makes these attempts pointless and pichi has taken actions on her part—it’s easy to verify all transactions—the situation still needs addressing. To clarify, the artist involved was @pichi, but we chose not to engage to avoid unnecessary attention. This is a reminder of why ARTOBER exists: to celebrate creativity and positivity, not disrupt it. Let’s focus on enjoying the incredible artwork, supporting each other, and ensuring the spirit of the event remains strong. Thanks to those truly embracing the festival’s energy—you’re the heart of this community 👏👏🫂. Cheers🇺🇸🇯🇵🇰🇷, KDE Pinned post for more info!! 👇👇
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Korean🇰🇷BDE pfp
@bigdegenenergy.eth のFotoFriday発表 /moxiejapan @bigdegenenergy.eth は、@annazhukovska が10/18に開催されるFotoFridayの最初の注目フォトグラファーになると発表しました。このイベントは、Artoberアーティスト特集と同じフォーマットで進行されます。また、10/11には、特集されることに興味のあるフォトグラファーや「被写体」のための空きがあります。 Artoberのように指名はありませんが、これはコミュニティに響けば継続できる新しい取り組みです。@annazhukovskaをフォローするのをお忘れなく!
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Korean🇰🇷BDE pfp
@bigdegenenergy.eth 의 FotoFriday 공지 /moxie-korea @bigdegenenergy.eth 가 @annazhukovska 를 10월 18일에 진행될 FotoFriday의 첫 번째 사진작가로 발표했습니다. 이 이벤트는 Artober 아티스트 특징과 동일한 형식으로 진행될 예정입니다. 10월 11일에는 피처링에 관심 있는 사진작가 또는 피사체를 위한 빈자리가 있습니다. Artober와 달리 이번에는 지명 제도가 없지만, 이 새로운 이니셔티브는 커뮤니티에서 호응이 좋다면 계속될 수 있습니다. @annazhukovska 를 팔로우하는 것을 잊지 마세요!
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Korean🇰🇷BDE pfp
FotoFriday Announcement by @bigdegenenergy.eth BDE announced below that @annazhukovska will be the first featured photographer for FotoFriday, happening on 10/18. The event will follow the same format as the Artober Artist Features. There’s also an open spot on 10/11 for any photographer or “photographee” interested in being featured. While no nominations are being held like in Artober, this is a new initiative that could continue if it resonates with the community. Don’t forget to follow @annazhukovska ! LET'S KEEP BUILDING THE COMMUNITY 🫂👏🇺🇸🇯🇵🇰🇷
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Korean🇰🇷BDE pfp
Let’s take a moment to thank @jacque for her incredible feature today in our ARTOBER FEST! Her creativity, generosity, and the way she brings emotion to life through her art and soundscapes is truly inspiring. Big thanks as well to @bigdegenenergy.eth for the opportunity, and to everyone in the /bigenergy community who engaged and made this such a successful day. Your support and energy make this space thrive—let’s keep it going strong 💪!
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Korean🇰🇷BDE pfp
IMPORTANT NOTICE!!!!!! Hello, /bigenergy community! If you own an NFT from /animeoutcasts, be sure to join the daily raffles organized by @pichi in the /anime-manga channel—you qualify just by holding the NFT! For those without one, there’s an exciting giveaway in collaboration with the /bigenergy Artober event, made possible by @bigdegenenergy.eth . Just hold 0.5 of their channel token to be eligible! Wishing all participants the best of luck—may fortune smile upon your entries!
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Korean🇰🇷BDE pfp
Check out @pichi ’s original post about the recent channel changes and valuable lessons she's learned after 48 hours. It’s a must-read for navigating the updates!
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Korean🇰🇷BDE pfp
🤣🤣Me lately
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Korean🇰🇷BDE pfp
Report on @jacque’s Artober Fan Art Contest @jacque has announced an exciting fan art contest as part of Artober, inviting creators to submit artwork based on a unique Halloween theme. The challenge is to depict the essence of Halloween without using obvious references, words, or fall-related imagery. The contest will run for 48 hours, allowing artists of all mediums to participate. @bigdegenenergy.eth has generously offered 12.5k $degen to be awarded to the winning piece, which will be chosen by @jacque. This contest has garnered strong interest and adds a fun, creative element to the ongoing Artober celebrations. Goodluck to all participants 👏👏 🇰🇷Korean and 🇯🇵Japanese translations of original thread🧵 below👇
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Korean🇰🇷BDE pfp
🇰🇷 @freymon.eth 의 구독 추첨 공지 @jacque 구독을 원하지만 비용을 지불할 수 없다면, @freymon.eth 가 추첨을 통해 한 명의 행운의 당첨자를 뽑고 있습니다! 그들은 현실에서 나눔을 실천해왔고, 온라인에서도 그 관대함을 이어가고 싶다고 합니다. 참여하려면 1에서 200 사이의 숫자를 선택하세요. 집계는 2시간 후인 WAT 22:00에 완료됩니다. 선택한 숫자가 당첨되면 구독을 받을 수 있습니다! 만약 당첨자가 없으면 다시 추첨이 진행됩니다. 행운을 빕니다!
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Korean🇰🇷BDE pfp
Subscription Raffle Announcement from @freymon.eth If you want a @jacque subscription but can’t pay for it, @freymon.eth is holding a raffle for one lucky winner! They've been giving back in real life and wanted to extend that generosity online. To enter, pick a number between 1 and 200. The tally will be done in 2 hours, at 22:00 WAT. If your number is chosen, you win the subscription! If there are no winners, another drawing will be held until we have one. Good luck!
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Korean🇰🇷BDE pfp
I'm Ⓜ️oxiefers 💜 저는 Ⓜ️oxiefers 💜입니다.
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Korean🇰🇷BDE pfp
Korean 🇰🇷 Translation of @jacque message, let's engage and ask questions, go through the thread before you ask to avoid repetitions. Happy to help 👏: AMA(무엇이든 물어보세요)가 /bigenergy 가족을 위해 지금 시작되었습니다! 이 게시물 아래에 질문을 자유롭게 남겨 주세요. 부탁드리는데, 다른 누군가가 질문을 했는지 먼저 확인해 주세요. 긴 스레드에서는 약간 혼란스러울 수 있다는 걸 이해합니다. 이 시간을 갖고 여러분과 대화할 수 있어 매우 기쁩니다. 제 지식은 여러 곳에서 온 것이니 정말 감사합니다. 팬 아트 콘테스트도 진행될 예정이니, 눈을 뜨고 지켜봐 주세요!
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Korean🇰🇷BDE pfp
Thank you amaliee
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Korean🇰🇷BDE pfp
오늘 /bigenergy 채널에서 아르토버 피처 아티스트는 @bigdegenenergy.eth 덕분에 @jacque 입니다. 훌륭한 이벤트가 될 것이며, AMA도 진행될 예정입니다. 참여하려면 /bigenergy 에 가입하세요, 기대하겠습니다 👏👏
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Korean🇰🇷BDE pfp
/bigenergy 에너지 채널 지금 당장 /bigenergy channel right now
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