Vitalik Buterin pfp
Vitalik Buterin
Farcaster should have (near-)unlimited length messages like twitter. Having used it for a while, I feel like twitter's long message feature improves its user experience and its usefulness for high quality discussion.
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Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
We've asked readers if they like long tweets from a UX standpoint and most people prefer to read a longer post in a browser / link vs. in feed.
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I think this is one of these instances where we should stop asking users what they want and instead decide what the product will be people have unconscious desires. If you really want to see what people want, measure long form usage metrics but don’t ask people directly because they will unintentionally lie
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Let users influence your decisions, but don’t let the users decide what your product will be. The democracy of FC is in the form of anyone accessing the same data across multiple apps - the democracy does not necessarily include your specific product even if it would be nice if implemented correctly.
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