JA Westenberg
Every man I have ever met in his late 30s is obsessed with Tiny Homes on instagram and fantasises about only owning one pair of boots for the rest of their life
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/ / / / . KNNY®
They are brainwashed by scarcity mindset and “only having what you need” Not sure about anyone else here but I want a massive plot of land, a huge house, some animals, and multiple shoes for multiple occasions I was a minimalist once, I kind of still am but not to that extent anymore, I used to sleep on the floor by choice and it was a very enlightening time, but it’s only supposed to be temporary. People are bombarded with “buy this house to be more minimal” and “buy these clean and net Tupperware containers to have a more minimal kitchen” and nobody wants to zoom out and admit this is all a prebuilt capitalist vision made for poor and middle class people I want it all. I want more money, I want real assets on real land and a real family. People can label that whatever TikTok trend they want but it’s about consciously choosing what you want out of this life and to stop focusing on how you’re going to get there.
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/ / / / . KNNY®
By “stop focusing on how you’re going to get there” I don’t mean don’t have a plan, what I mean is to not over analyze meaningless things throughout the day that have virtually zero impact on the mass effect of what your life becomes. “Is my skin tight enough?”, “do my coworkers like me personally?” anything that you’re really only asking because you live in an easy-to-live-in post Industrial Revolution age. Lack of gratitude often results in the over analysis of things that don’t matter on a macro scale.
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