Kevin Sakemaer pfp

Kevin Sakemaer


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Kevin Sakemaer pfp
Kevin Sakemaer
I have a game idea ๐Ÿ’ก The world is the map game, that means it's a GPS based Game you will have to move ! The idea is to capture land by using the plus code grid (more info here ) Captured land generates in game resources to build things ? Tell me what you think about it ?
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Kevin Sakemaer pfp
Kevin Sakemaer
Quick shot of a foggy village's place !
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Kevin Sakemaer pfp
Kevin Sakemaer
I develop with Dart and Flutter since a long time but never did an app where I needed to connect to web3. But if one day I have to do it I would probably go with walletconnect. If I remember they have developed a package for Dart/Flutter.
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Kevin Sakemaer pfp
Kevin Sakemaer
Flutter rewrite all the components in your app but there are some parts that may use native components like the share dialog
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Kevin Sakemaer pfp
Kevin Sakemaer
In fact I was referring to the conversation in the image. Where they say that Flutter uses native components, which is not true.
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Kevin Sakemaer pfp
Kevin Sakemaer
๐Ÿ‘‹ I'm
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Kevin Sakemaer pfp
Kevin Sakemaer
I see ๐Ÿ‘
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Kevin Sakemaer pfp
Kevin Sakemaer
New version of Dart and Flutter ๐ŸŽ‰
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Kevin Sakemaer pfp
Kevin Sakemaer
Might be fun but what would differ from existing apps like wrapcast ?
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Kevin Sakemaer pfp
Kevin Sakemaer
Short answer : NO Long one there is a Cupertino package built-in Flutter that mimics iOS design, the thing is there are some UI like shares that are really native. So you may have to test it a bit to see if it looks good for you ๐Ÿ˜‰
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Kevin Sakemaer pfp
Kevin Sakemaer
I would go with Flutter without hesitation ๐Ÿ˜… But maybe I'm biased working with this stack since long long time ๐Ÿ˜†
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Kevin Sakemaer pfp
Kevin Sakemaer
Flutter for SURE! Not even and the good thing is that it checks options 1 and 2 ๐Ÿ˜‰
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Kevin Sakemaer pfp
Kevin Sakemaer
Tomorrow I will resume my training after Saturday competition at Espelette for the Course des crรชtes 2023 Next competition is Ultrariรจge 51 !
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Kevin Sakemaer pfp
Kevin Sakemaer
When multiple images post ?
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Kevin Sakemaer pfp
Kevin Sakemaer
All the details are in the link below ๐Ÿ‘‡
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Kevin Sakemaer pfp
Kevin Sakemaer
Here we can speak about real uphill not the little one I have at home ๐Ÿคฃ A great pre-run for "la montee du ventoux" in a little bit more than 2 weeks now. A good occasion to test new socks, food and test the physical condition. Picture once on the top of the first acsent.
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Kevin Sakemaer pfp
Kevin Sakemaer
Monday morning I was at the scouting of the first loop of the Patou trail marathon. What an awesome way to start the journey and with a great weather! Picture during the first ascent :)
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Kevin Sakemaer pfp
Kevin Sakemaer
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Kevin Sakemaer pfp
Kevin Sakemaer
If you like running and pictures you can follow me ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ˜‰
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Kevin Sakemaer pfp
Kevin Sakemaer
Would it be possible to have something more that follow? When you follow someone there is almost no verification you like the content you follow. What about people verifying other people IRL ? It will create a net of verified user and with time we can derive trust on account based on this verification mechanism.
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