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kharlo pfp
When you, as a VC, pitch a promising startup to your partners/investment committee, what are the most important points of discussion? Obv the basics like problem/solution, market size, valuation, roadmap of the product/startup but what are additional important takes I maybe missed here?
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Alok Vasudev pfp
Alok Vasudev
who else is in the round + what year did the founder drop out of stanford
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Eylon 💨 pfp
Eylon 💨
The team and my assessment on their ability to iterate and overcome obstacles
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Cartographer 🎩 pfp
Cartographer 🎩
Monthly growth metrics of any type. Especially if exponential.
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Diego pfp
I like Mike Maples Jr’s framework about the potential for a company to have Proprietary Power, Product Power, Company Power, Category Power. Do we have conviction about our investment becoming category defining?
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Ben  🟪 pfp
Ben 🟪
20000 $degen for a good question
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