Monadverse is a community-driven NFT collection featuring unique digital creatures known as "monanimals" on the Monad platform. These monanimals include characters like Molandak, Chog, Moyaki, Mouch, and Salmonad, each contributing to the vibrant and diverse ecosystem of the project.
The project emphasizes the culture of Monad, fostering a community where enthusiasts, artists, and developers can collaborate and share their passion for digital art and blockchain technology. Art dedicated to Monadverse has been created by various artists, reflecting the project's influence and reach within the NFT space.
Monadverse is part of a broader ecosystem of upcoming Monad NFT projects, including Purple Frens, Monad Nomads NFT, Skrumpeys, Spikynads, The Boo DAO, BlockNads, and Monadians. This interconnected network of projects showcases the growing interest and investment in the Monad platform and its associated communities.
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End : 30/12
For the Nads, by the Nads💜 0 reply
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