kevin pfp
Curious: I'm ambiverted (I think) but want to see what others are
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gidwell 🎩  pfp
gidwell 🎩
introverted when speaking English extroverted when speaking Chinese
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Karo K pfp
Karo K
hmm... I chose ambivert! but it'd be cool if we could break it down further: If 0/10 means you are not extroverted/introverted and 10/10 means you are the most extroverted/introverted: 9/10 extroverted when extrovert mode is on 6/10 introverted when introvert mode is on
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recursive pfp
Chose ambiverted cos it sounded cool, no idea what it means.
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Henry Spencer 🎩 pfp
Henry Spencer 🎩
Wth is ambiverted???? Is it some newly invented zoomer language
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grace pfp
usually identify as extroverted introvert, i voted ambivert tho that seems right
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kevin j 🤗 pfp
kevin j 🤗
mostly introvert, with controlled bouts of extroversion but among a set of specific people. so i guess ambivert
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Al pfp
While I consider myself an introvert, I can be just as capable of being an extrovert when the situation calls for it.
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