kevin pfp



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kevin pfp
@kevinoconnell The past 6 months I’ve done a lot of traveling - i used to be really bad at taking photos but have been trying to get better at it - here are some highlights :) I just made this using the new /nfs composer - s/o @dylsteck.eth
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kevin pfp
Not sure if you got that dog in you? Well at least we know this kangaroo does While you are struggling to get MRR working on your own B2B saas company, this kangaroo has made over $159k in the past month and half by taking a photo of itself and posting it as an NFT so the next time you come up with an idea ask yourself: do I have that dog in me? And if not, be a kangaroo
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kevin pfp
Makes me want to run through a wall
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kevin pfp
eh, better than the previous prompt, still can make shorter though - also should try to randomize the question prompt to vary
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kevin pfp
new on /explorer: links! type in any 2 fids in the format x<>y and it will display the link relationship I wanted to make sure @rish and @manan still follow each other, so here I did 191<>194 check it out at!
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kevin pfp
Im visiting where i went to college for a couple of days for the first time since i graduated and just got a splash of nostalgia driving by where i took my cs classes 😂
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kevin pfp
GM if u know u know
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kevin pfp
if there was something like this what books would you want to talk about?
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kevin pfp
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kevin pfp
Need to think about how to do this, but want to expand /braindump to book discussions I think it would be cool to be like “hey, read x-y parts of the art of war” then answer a prompt on it Would love thoughts on this - would personally be a great way for me to get back into reading (growing up i read a lot lmao)
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kevin pfp
I just collected Vitalik: An Ethereum Story (Official Trailer) by Ethereum Stories!
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kevin pfp
Is there a easy way to use babyagi / something similar today?
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kevin pfp
for me 1.) 3 things: a.) the first time im talking to someone and one of us pokes fun at the other person b.) the first time im talking to someone and one of us gives very direct feedback on something c.) the first time someone apologizes for something 2.) For me I think the above are the 3 milestones of a relationship, if all are checked off that means I'm very close with the person 3.) the above usually takes time to happen, but I can tell pretty quickly if it will never happen 4.) One thing I was told growing up that I value a lot is "you are who you are surrounded by", so I try my best to interact with people who do the above - to me nothing else is more important :)
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kevin pfp
Note: i shortened the max length of the question, so it won’t be as long as this going forward lmao
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kevin pfp
ive had multiple long posts be closed by accidently clicking outside of the dialog - which completely removes everything I wrote
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kevin pfp
I realized I totally dropped the ball on /braindump recently, so I gave up my role as chief question generator to @brainbot! @brainbot will now be in charge of asking a question every tuesday, thursday and saturday ~ 8 am CST really excited to get back to writing :) would love feedback on making questions better, also if you want to ask a question go for it! code: h/t to @jtgi for making moderation super simple 🫡
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kevin pfp
shut down my translate frame today because I'm starting to work on something different, if anyone wants to try doing something similar check this out :)
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kevin pfp
@kevinoconnell just got a new look, check it out :) h/t to @antimofm.eth
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kevin pfp
I miss chicago food
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kevin pfp
I have missed this so much omg
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