Ketzal Co. pfp

Ketzal Co.


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Ketzal Co. pfp
Ketzal Co.
Ethereum is in such a downtrend because people in its ecosystem haven’t understood this is a battle against the powers that be. Fun, memes and jpgs were always only a distraction from the goal.
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Ketzal Co. pfp
Ketzal Co.
It was there, while waiting to get updated, sitting among other agents in the mempool lobby, with a waiting turn assigned to his parameters, that his code produced a logic shattering thought that sent a chill up his proverbial spine: - “vertical execution to update my state makes no sense for cyberspace entities.”
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Ketzal Co. pfp
Ketzal Co.
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Ketzal Co. pfp
Ketzal Co.
In the spirit of just having watched the 2024 Nosferatu remake... here is a reminder that the original version is available for everyone forever in /arweave In the meantime, go to the theater and support good cinema.
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Ketzal Co. pfp
Ketzal Co.
The saddest thing about this industry is how everyone looking to build something had to be rewired to gravitate around enabling meme coins. every ecosystem map now has to consider memecoins as a vertical: - "Look at everything that is being built on our chain! Look at all the meme coins that we host!"
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Ketzal Co. pfp
Ketzal Co.
capital misallocation by whom? the VC or the project that gets the VC money?
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Ketzal Co. pfp
Ketzal Co.
maybe we'll try to brodacast it.
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Ketzal Co. pfp
Ketzal Co.
We dream of a cyberspace built on principles of freedom, fairness, and human dignity. We envision a digital realm where: 1. Access is universal and unconditional, free from terms of service that strip away basic rights. 2. Individual liberties are guaranteed by design, not granted as privileges by corporate entities. 3. Knowledge and creative content flow freely, without gatekeepers or artificial barriers. 4. Digital legacy is preserved for future generations, immune to the ravages of time and censorship.
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Ketzal Co. pfp
Ketzal Co.
If you are in Berlin next week and want to learn more about building games and AI on AO, you should definitely drop by this irl workshop:
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Ketzal Co. pfp
Ketzal Co.
If you are in Berlin next week and want to learn more about building games and AI on AO, you should definitely drop by this irl workshop:
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Ketzal Co. pfp
Ketzal Co.
It would be more interesting to think of it in terms of Arweave. Higher or lower than Arweave?
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Ketzal Co. pfp
Ketzal Co.
You didn't strike me as a deadhead
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Ketzal Co. pfp
Ketzal Co.
I'm just gonna have to post it here to kinda set it free from Elon's walled garden of corruption and abuse
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Ketzal Co. pfp
Ketzal Co.
Content needs to be ubiquitous and accessible for all. This is the vision of the permaweb. Substack, with its siren song of newsletter riches, lures writers with dreams of paid subscriptions and editorial freedom. But it's a winner-take-all system. A handful of writers strike gold, while the vast majority toil in obscurity, their work buried under an avalanche of content. The algorithm and founders decide whose words are worthy of reach, turning the democratic promise of newsletters into yet another popularity contest.
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Ketzal Co. pfp
Ketzal Co.
Eth is not underperforming due to a lack of north star. It's stagnated because the only way for it to work as it' supposed to is to now solve hundreds of other problems that have themselves their complicated issues to solve.... mandelbrot network of problems.
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Ketzal Co. pfp
Ketzal Co.
How many times did they laugh at you when you told them hashtag Bitcoin was unstoppable? How many times did they tell you you missed the train and the only people benefitting are the ones that came before you? How many opinionated hashtag#noicoiner financial experts told you it was a mistake to put all your money and hopes in hashtag#BTC? This day is for you to stand tall on the right side of history. The path has never been easy, and you have built enough character along the way. You don't even feel the need to gloat. Rejoice Bitcoiners. The world is yours today!
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Ketzal Co. pfp
Ketzal Co.
the world computer needs more capactity than Ethereum can provide. Ethereum got lost on its way and became an online pvp game for degens and finance enthusiasts.
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Ketzal Co. pfp
Ketzal Co.
funny cuz it's true. Agents need to stay healthy though. What happens with agents with decaying capacity?
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Ketzal Co. pfp
Ketzal Co.
Something happened in this industry where this became the norm in this industry. Chase the money ended in chase the meme. When your values are strong, you build with purpose and the money comes alone. Crypto follows a greater mission than monetized memes.
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Ketzal Co. pfp
Ketzal Co.
You should be heavily allocated to those crypto projects that represent the values crypto stands for There is no glory in the memecoin trenches, nothing is being achieved, so every victory is empty. Crypto is here to make the world a better, fairer, feer place, not make us slaves to imaginary crypto tokens.
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