Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
POV: most of the 2023 Democrats anti-crypto platform is rooted in an outdated belief that all cryptocurrency requires mining, and therefore, massive carbon emissions. An endorsement from major environmental orgs on proof-of-stake being OK would likely help shift that narrative.
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kenny šŸŽ© pfp
kenny šŸŽ©
don't believe this is the case at all most dem anti-crypto commentary I see online boils down to them hating that this is money not controlled by government they view crypto as pointless because their worldview revolves around government being THE fundamental source of social good
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Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
Again, just relaying what Iā€™m hearing from people negotiating the in-flight Congressional bills
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kenny šŸŽ© pfp
kenny šŸŽ©
fair enough, I'm just skeptical because it's such a departure from the popular convo I see online also isn't Warren the main person driving the anti-crypto push? plenty of her messaging goes beyond the PoW concerns and dives into the "problems" of money outside government control
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