Karthik Senthil pfp
Karthik Senthil
What's FC sentiment on Solana?
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kenny 🎩 pfp
kenny 🎩
Had a ton of fun on Solana in 2021 and hope for the sake of builders it recovers fully. Don't really care about the "low validator" fud because I consider it sufficiently decentralized for now. But not personally betting on it. Too much baggage and newer projects will have higher ceilings.
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Karthik Senthil pfp
Karthik Senthil
Thanks! It's not gonna be a huge part of my portfolio, but Im def betting on it (will buy more as/when price goes down). Think it solves a different problem than a rollup. To me, it's a bet on the founder and the community (both are 2nd best in crypto behind Vitalik/ETH)
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