kenny 🎩 pfp
kenny 🎩
on Bluesky turning against itself: think you can make a rule that, if majority users of a social platform actively hate crypto, it won't survive crypto is most openly hated tech sector, so crypto discussion = a proxy for an online community's resilience to debate if you can't handle crypto poasting, you're def ngmi
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kenny 🎩 pfp
kenny 🎩
these are ppl whose culture relies taboos, things you are not allowed to say under any circumstances (like "crypto good") meanwhile in crypto we're the definition of an "anything goes" community want to shit talk the entire industry? go ahead! absolutely no one critiques crypto better than crypto ppl, try to keep up
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keccers pfp
I think it’s more about keeping people that shouldn’t be talking to one another away from eachother than anything else All those same ppl exist on Twitter but the algo keeps them in their bubble Also why it’s miserable to go viral, your content escapes your normal bubble
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