0xen 🎩 pfp
0xen 🎩
I love all the L2 mania but you can tell the people who never experimented with Solana, AVAX, Fantom, BSC, etc. last cycle or ever before by how blown away they are by cheap gas.
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rish pfp
eh maybe but I also feel like people are blown away by cheap gas on "Ethereum". Polygon has existed for a while and is EVM compatible but Ethereum L2s feel different than side chains
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kenny 🎩 pfp
kenny 🎩
that's all marketing though, these are a bunch of centralized sequencers with no fraud proofs people are told they're on ethereum so tribalism allows it vs those other alt L1s, but you have to stretch really hard to consider these true L2s
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Ben  🟪 pfp
Ben 🟪
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