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近期,$SUNDOG @SUNDOG_TRX 在 #Tron 上的表现可谓热度爆棚!其市值一路飙升,最高点更是超过了 7000 万美元(70M)。 值得一提的是,一个神秘的鲸鱼地址突然发力,一次性购入了高达 200 万的 $SUNDOG。这一惊人举动直接推动了 $SUNDOG 价格冲向新的高度。虽然在此之后价格出现了一定程度的回调,但市场对它的热度依然不减。 此外,孙哥 @sunyuchentron 和波场都在不遗余力地推进 Meme。如果这一推进工作能够顺利进行且取得理想的成果,那么 $SUNDOG 成为行业龙头或许指日可待。
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互关互赞 pfp
近期,$SUNDOG @SUNDOG_TRX 在 #Tron 上的表现可谓热度爆棚!其市值一路飙升,最高点更是超过了 7000 万美元(70M)。 值得一提的是,一个神秘的鲸鱼地址突然发力,一次性购入了高达 200 万的 $SUNDOG。这一惊人举动直接推动了 $SUNDOG 价格冲向新的高度。虽然在此之后价格出现了一定程度的回调,但市场对它的热度依然不减。 此外,孙哥 @sunyuchentron 和波场都在不遗余力地推进 Meme。如果这一推进工作能够顺利进行且取得理想的成果,那么 $SUNDOG 成为行业龙头或许指日可待。 从目前的情况来看,$SUNDOG 已经充分展现出了巨大的市场潜力。而且,它已经成功上线了火币交易所。接下来,大家都在关注它后续还会登上哪些大型的交易平台
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After surviving a pandemic, inflation and environmental crises, many adults, particularly Gen Zers and millennials, appear to be leaning into a nostalgic form of escapism: play.
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When Evelyn Jossell took over as superintendent of a Mississippi community that has long faced poverty, she realized the majority of students couldn’t read at grade level. So, she pioneered a literacy program geared toward the county's youngest children.
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VP Harris gave her first sit-down interview since becoming the Democratic presidential nominee, touching on her agenda for 2025 and a series of topics that she has so far avoided. Here are five takeaways from the interview:
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The highly anticipated interview, with CNN’s Dana Bash, came after pressure had been building for VP Harris to answer more questions from impartial journalists and fully sketch out how her vision differs from that of President Biden.
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这两天聊DePin挺开心的,就多说两句,目前多数的DePin都有三个共同的问题,如果不能解决,那么长时间生存必然是问题: 1.只有自己的Token或者积分作为激励。 2.没有自己的生态应用来消泡沫。 3.无法实现用户的高频操作。 下午的这篇推文基本上说的就是第一点,如果只是自己的Token或者积分,那么必然是进入PVP模式,项目方和用户之间是竞争的关系。 第二点是目前绝大多数项目都忽视的,几乎99%的Token都只会产生泡沫,而单方面的销毁并不是消耗,消耗的前提是使用场景,这方面 #Ton 上的小游戏只能算走了半步,因为产生的本身就是泡沫。 因为绝大多数的小游戏都是点点点赢积分,而积分又是PVP,用户的动作和当初DeFi没有太大区别,真正的消耗应该是Mini Game或者Social Game这种有场景,有内容,有博弈性的,当然这是后话了。这方面真心需要懂。
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A depreciating fiat currency forces you to not only earn money but also spend significant time learning how to invest it.
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互关互赞 pfp
None of you will be able to psyop me into believing "lock in" is a fad, or a CT-only thing, or something open to interpretation. "Lock in" is a clearly defined, widely understood term on CT, on normie twitter, on instagram, on tiktok, on twitch, on youtube, and even in the real world. It evokes a primal instinct, instantly snapping you into fight-or-flight mode upon hearing those fabled six letters directed at you. Combine that with a relentless grassroots campaign to inform the world that there is a token on the Solana blockchain designed specifically to capture the attention of everyone who claims to be locked in, and you have an absolute supercooker of a viral mindworm. It's not a question. You NEED to $LOCKIN
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互关互赞 pfp
None of you will be able to psyop me into believing "lock in" is a fad, or a CT-only thing, or something open to interpretation. "Lock in" is a clearly defined, widely understood term on CT, on normie twitter, on instagram, on tiktok, on twitch, on youtube, and even in the real world. It evokes a primal instinct, instantly snapping you into fight-or-flight mode upon hearing those fabled six letters directed at you. Combine that with a relentless grassroots campaign to inform the world that there is a token on the Solana blockchain designed specifically to capture the attention of everyone who claims to be locked in, and you have an absolute supercooker of a viral mindworm. It's not a question. You NEED to $LOCKIN
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互关互赞 pfp
None of you will be able to psyop me into believing "lock in" is a fad, or a CT-only thing, or something open to interpretation. "Lock in" is a clearly defined, widely understood term on CT, on normie twitter, on instagram, on tiktok, on twitch, on youtube, and even in the real world. It evokes a primal instinct, instantly snapping you into fight-or-flight mode upon hearing those fabled six letters directed at you. Combine that with a relentless grassroots campaign to inform the world that there is a token on the Solana blockchain designed specifically to capture the attention of everyone who claims to be locked in, and you have an absolute supercooker of a viral mindworm. It's not a question. You NEED to $LOCKIN
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互关互赞 pfp
None of you will be able to psyop me into believing "lock in" is a fad, or a CT-only thing, or something open to interpretation. "Lock in" is a clearly defined, widely understood term on CT, on normie twitter, on instagram, on tiktok, on twitch, on youtube, and even in the real world. It evokes a primal instinct, instantly snapping you into fight-or-flight mode upon hearing those fabled six letters directed at you. Combine that with a relentless grassroots campaign to inform the world that there is a token on the Solana blockchain designed specifically to capture the attention of everyone who claims to be locked in, and you have an absolute supercooker of a viral mindworm. It's not a question. You NEED to $LOCKIN
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互关互赞 pfp
很多人是跟风fud ,瞎分析,看比特币拉飞了,sol 盘子小庄拉的快,就事后诸葛亮,找角度,找原因来判断已经发生的行情。 我还记得21年很多人看好ftt,fud bnb,现在bnb 依旧牛逼,但是ftt 好像没人谈了。 学会独立思考,独立分析,在币圈是最重要的技能,我花了很多钱,吃了很多亏,才明白这一点。 都换sol吧,正好洗干净,我认为以太坊宏观基本面一点问题没有,起飞只是时间问题。 没办法,屁股决定脑袋,我这次要赢!
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互关互赞 pfp
最近看到了各种币圈的段子,什么操逼的,割韭菜的。 两个字,正常。 操美女正常,当捞女正常,白嫖正常,当婊子立牌坊正常,为了流量编剧本太正常了。 开盘割韭菜,底部买入让粉丝抬轿子是最正常不过的。 毕竟,与其当韭菜,不如当镰刀。 大家能容忍老外匿名项目方rug ,却不能容忍熟知信任的大v开盘或者抱团喊单。 为什么?因为中国人的道德标准高,也用同样的标准去要求自己的同胞。 中国人自古以来都不是以法治国,而且用道德标准来治国,古代没有监控,这么大个国家,如何控制犯罪维护社会稳定?
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