Katherine pfp
I’m kind of on the fringes of network state culture but it’s more male dominated than crypto from what I can tell. Like the most male dominated thing lol Not trying to force a bunch a girls in, that’s never been my style, just a little unsure how all these new societies work without women.
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Jonny Mack pfp
Jonny Mack
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adrienne pfp
Feels like there’s also some overlap with the people most worried about and trying to solve for population decline. Also not my style to force women in, but I think the more women voices we have the better the outcome for everyone. Without women voices I worry about regression. Which is why I speak when I can.
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greys ↑  pfp
greys ↑
won’t work.
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dawufi pfp
Network state is just male coded. Women have network states too, but they're called inspo boards on Pinterest, r/makeupaddiction etc
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notdevin  pfp
Feels like a strategic evolutionary trait thing. Women are more valuable to a given population, therefore dont send them in first to a potentially hazardous new territory, send the population where we can afford the losses, men Social capital is our highest prize and certainly what’s at risk with party affiliation
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grin pfp
Also very few parents there It’s a “let’s build tech” bias, when the real hard problems for new societies are “who’s doing the dishes” and “what will the kids be doing” Looking forward to the talk on this at TNSconf. It’ll be given by a woman
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Blutoshi pfp
This is a good take. I think there are some really interesting thought exercises in network state but several key factors that are not based in reality women’s presence, leadership and voice among them. Also, If one studies most NFT groups, internal hierarchy is far more rigid than present (United States) society.
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Matt Lee  pfp
Matt Lee
Why do you that is? Is there something about the idea that is less attractive to women or is the way it’s marketed?
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kenny 🎩 pfp
kenny 🎩
it's a pretty normal pattern for new frontiers throughout human history been reading a lot about the old west and that was 90%+ men to start because of the risk involved as men we are dumb and ok with potentially wasting a bunch of time on a new unproven thing, women are smarter and wait until it's more established
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castig pfp
I think you’ve really hit on something here. Would love to support you taking more of a leadership role on this if you’re feeling it.
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Gökhan Turhan 🧬💾🚀 pfp
Gökhan Turhan 🧬💾🚀
if people won't lynch me for uttering the word "urbit," they are kind of more plural when it comes to sexes/ gender.
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Claudia Spitz pfp
Claudia Spitz
Oh man, count me in among women who are interested, but also already married with kids. A big part of what I’m interested in is finding somewhere great to raise my kids. Hubs and I are talking about trying to start our own groups online, and trying to find and filter people deliberately from our existing community.
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ccarella pfp
Maybe related, for the places in motion & I'm most interested in Prospera, it's hard to find (or doesn't exist) information about how you would send young kids to daycare/elementary school.
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0xLuo pfp
If you perceive the exit strategy of the network state as implicit imperialism or colonialism, I can understand your concerns about the potential inclusion of toxic masculinity.
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Nounish Prof ⌐◧-◧🎩 pfp
Nounish Prof ⌐◧-◧🎩
Seems similar to the makeup of DAOs — very male dominated atm.
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Thumbs Up 🎩 pfp
Thumbs Up 🎩
I dunno, network states and even e/acc (due in large part to the voices involved) give Gilead vibes. Be wary of men who think they have all the answers. It’s giving proto patriarchy + eugenics at times if you listen to some of what these folks say
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miguelito  pfp
Being on the fringes is close enough to realize the whole franchise is utter nonsense
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wartime art hoe pfp
wartime art hoe
it's unfortunate b/c my other communities that are most involved in similar bits of social entrepreneurship (burning man and WEF ppl) have very pronounced female presence / leadership flows downstream of tech demographics obvs but i really struggle to think how it's sustainable
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Connor McCormick pfp
Connor McCormick
CoordiNations is an alternative that's women led https://x.com/blockchaingov/status/1704803756410355805?s=46&t=pgsSNGn708rmfdnQvpLH0Q
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