adrienne pfp
Anyone ever try to consciously learn to read faster? How did it go? “How much more could you get done if you completed all of your required reading in 1/3 or 1/5 the time?” is a nice thought 💭
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Katherine pfp
This is (maybe my only) true God-given skill. When I was a kid my mom didn’t believe I had recall bc I read so fast and she would quiz me on the books trying to prove I couldn’t remember. It’s only an asset if you apply it productively. I use it to be terminally online and find/curate cool articles so eh 😂
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christin pfp
A-ha! No wonder you always know the latest cool thing happening 😎 lately I decided that I don’t need to check the news I just need to see what @keccers.eth is posting
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Katherine pfp
🫡 I hope I keep doing right by you and anyone else who feels this way, it’s an honor and and pleasure Christin!!!
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