Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
Ethereum interested folks: do you use /r/ethereum anymore? Or any reddit subreddits related to crypto?
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Katherine pfp
I recently ran an organic marketing campaign with r/avatartrading and while it had great ROI it continues to be challenging for me to “make friends” over there. Even with great moderation/mods who rolled out the red carpet for me the vibes are not posi all the time, let’s say that.
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Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
@remindme 2 days
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SayMoreBot pfp
🤖 Your wisdom has been requested! @cameron would love to see this cast in a longer form. Visit SayMore.tv to accept the request, see if other people are interested in reading this too, and share the link to your completed work. Check out "Author View" to view all of your requests 🫡
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Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
@saymore Katherine, I’d love to hear your (bad) experiences in more detail - like in a thread or an essay 🫡
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