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Katherine pfp
I’m compelled by this although not enough to significantly lower my protein intake My overarching sense is that in another decade we will think about all macronutrients completely differently
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kartik 🎩 pfp
kartik 🎩
If they’re saying 1g/lb is a psyop but 0.71-0.82g/lb is necessary… then easy to believe. I’m more dismissive of people who say protein isn’t important at all.
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Thomas pfp
I got tired of reading conflicting opinions every other week, so I started a course to learn about macro and micro nutrients first hand: But I’m aware that the consensus might keep evolving and look very different in a decade, like it did with fat
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kevin j 🤗 pfp
kevin j 🤗
oh so basically just take one less shake/scoop
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yangwao ↑ pfp
yangwao ↑
Somehow true tbh, I've tried to raise intake from 1.2 to 2 and I haven't noticed any significant impact of muscle regeneration or body fat going down, something is true. Last year I was at 0.9 and body fat was going down even faster.
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alex pfp
I listened to a podcast a while ago with a person who coaches competitive BBers and he was advocating for higher protein intakes for active athletes who are eating a lot of calories. Rationale was that more of your protein is from lower quality carb sources. Cant find it now
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yesyes pfp
I don't really track my protein intake that religiously but I have been slowly building muscles at 0.8g/lb so this checks out for me. RP's advice generally suits me
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James pfp
this was a good video I saw some time ago. I don't know much about any certain saturation point of what your body can process, I do know that 1g/lb is a pita and I don't have that patience. My shake a day with double scoops plus normal foods is as good as I'm going to get.
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Dwayne 'The Jock' Ronson pfp
Dwayne 'The Jock' Ronson
This is all more or less true except satiation The real concern about protein we need to definitively understand is if it blunts longevity (ala mTOR pathway)
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