Katherine pfp
Some hard numbers around how Elon's mouth hurts Tesla's bottom line esp when there are lots of EV options FWIW I am not even a "Democrat". I just dislike Elon's divisive extracurriculars, don't want to support his big mouth with my dollar https://jalopnik.com/tesla-learns-hard-lesson-go-anti-woke-go-broke-1851429030
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Yea buyers don't even need to be political. It's simply less cool when a brand is associated with identity politics and immature shitposting.
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Bias 🫧🗿 pfp
Bias 🫧🗿
yeah, and this is where his calculations are absolutely tarded: republicans would never come out in droves to support “electric” cars when they’re the largest deniers of climate change the only political base he could’ve had eating out of the palm of his hand based on his corporation bets was the dems epic L
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netop://ウエハ pfp
Big same. I voted independent this year and I loathe Elon's anything. Meanwhile, every 5th vehicle I see in my area is a Tesla. Someone with a Cybertruck drops his kid off at my son's school. Appealing vehicle tainted by Musk.
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grant 🌈 🎩 🐸 pfp
grant 🌈 🎩 🐸
i think the model 3 is sposed to be the ideal commuter, and u would want to lease, not buy as the depreciation is insane!
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Jerry-d 🍖✈️🎩⛓️ ↑ pfp
Jerry-d 🍖✈️🎩⛓️ ↑
So which vehicle manufacturers are you considering?
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Roadu.𝓮𝓽𝓱 🎩🦊🧾 pfp
Roadu.𝓮𝓽𝓱 🎩🦊🧾
It will be interesting to me to see if the release of humanoid robots boosts the bottom line enough to make up for big mouth and increase ev completion 100 $degen
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Leo 🎩🔵 🧾 pfp
Leo 🎩🔵 🧾
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