I have this one friend who I talk to on the phone a lot. I was telling them about how another friend of mine told me I shouldn't be able to vote (because I'm childless) In reply he asked me why I wanted to vote so bad anyways. "Why do you need to be enfranchised this way?" I didn't really have a good answer, certainly not to him. To me voting feels like it makes you a part of society. And to be deprived of that is the state's way of telling you that you don't count. But maybe it doesn't matter, that you don't matter to them.
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Renée Campbell 🎩
Why would being childless make any difference to your interest in how the country is run, such a weird concept to me. In Australia, voting is compulsory and even though it’s annoying sometimes, I wouldn’t have it any other way.
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How do they enforce that?
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Renée Campbell 🎩
You get fined if you don’t vote. They check your name off the list when you come into vote, yes people could cheat that but I can’t imagine many do. There’s also a bbq at almost every voting venue so it’s become a lifestyle thing, vote and get a democracy sausage for lunch while you’re there.
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Wait I want a democracy sausage. I wonder if like, a local poll place here would allow me to replicate this hehehee
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Renée Campbell 🎩
It’s such a big thing here that word travels if your venue has bacon and eggs too. People will travel to vote there. My local even started offering vege sausages last time I voted. There’s often a charity bake sale too so dessert is also covered. You should definitely start your own and watch the voters flock in 😁
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