Katherine pfp
Tradition is smarter than you are If rational thought is not the key to our success, what is? https://scholars-stage.org/tradition-is-smarter-than-you-are/
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Connor McCormick pfp
Connor McCormick
tradition is just rational thought on evolutionary timescales
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ted (not lasso) pfp
ted (not lasso)
i love everything you post! where do you source most of your reads? i want whatever content diet you're on.
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antimo 🎩 pfp
antimo 🎩
Yes, but some tradition are not as traditional as they seem
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Mac Budkowski 🥝 pfp
Mac Budkowski 🥝
good one, submitted to @kiwi
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dusan pfp
exactly! i'm struggling with this currently. i'm not sure if it's the rationality that is wrong or its interpretation. i.e. what is rational for me (e.g. assigning larger weight to traditions) might not be rational to someone else. but, if it's subjective, how useful is it?
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