Katherine pfp
WHY WOULD YOU *EVER* POST THIS 😱 https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdny/pr/founders-and-ceo-cryptocurrency-mixing-service-arrested-and-charged-money-laundering I feel bad for the Samourai devs, but also tweets like this are an open invitation
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Katherine pfp
Yes hi hello I will facilitate crimes for you. *send tweet*
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osama pfp
few understand fincen has international reach. just like many on/off-ramp founders (even VC backed and in US) are taking x-border compliance lightly and exposed to being used for stuff they don’t want to be near. typical fafo behaviour
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Thomas pfp
Especially as the writing was on the wall since Tornado Cash
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thoughtcrimeboss pfp
I believe it was tounge in cheek. As in our wallet is so effin private Russian oligarchs would use it. Wasn't the wisest tweet but it shouldn't be used as evidence they were conspiring to launder money. They probably thought they were good since they literally weren't doing anything illegal and didn't custody funds.
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