Katherine pfp
So as many of you know I’m working at a company building a passive gut health + hydration tracker that goes on your 🚽 Inculcated by “hot girls have ibs” I always thought poop was the bigger problem But over my 2mo on the job have learned a LOT about pee. It has been the biggest surprise to me by far Cont…
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Katherine pfp
Urologists LOVE us They have no way to get accurate, day to day reads on the metrics that matter for their patients and our tech excites them For ex: urologists use what’s called a 24hr urine test to measure kidney function. You pee in a bucket for a whole day and give it to them and they check metabolites etc
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eunika🍒 pfp
This is fascinating 🧐 Btw my gut got surprisingly better recently. I talked to a doctor after our convo & it was what I expected- low FODMAP blah blah. But I started working with a personal trainer and she has me on low carb high fat & protein diet and I don’t know if it’s this or what but damn! No stomach pain!
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eunika🍒 pfp
Also here is a humble 564 $degen for all your great work ☺️
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Thomas pfp
When you think about it, it’s a wasted opportunity that our toilets are just dumb ceramic appliances, when they could reveal so much about our health completely passively and without extra effort from us 250 $degen
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