Katherine pfp
The first Farcaster people I met at FarCon were @adrienne and @nounishprof I screamed GOOD MORNING FARCASTER at them and nounish yelled back β€œ**GM!!!!!!” πŸ₯Ίβ™₯️
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adrienne pfp
πŸ₯Ί why can’t every day have moments like that?? SO great to meet you IRL πŸ’œπŸ’œ
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Jerry-d πŸ–πŸ‘½πŸŽ©β›“οΈ ↑ pfp
Jerry-d πŸ–πŸ‘½πŸŽ©β›“οΈ ↑
!!! I also met @nounishprof at FarCon at last Saturday’s 5K along Venice beach. I had no idea what dao meant so she had to explain it to me πŸ˜† and that the nouns Community was also a dao. Wish I’d gotten a chance to meet @adrienne ! 37 $DEGEN
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