Unpopular opinion: this is not a problem worth addressing You think “oh waaah Joe Schmoe is deprived the ability to be the next Fred Wilson!!!” as if they would have his deal flow Removing accreditation will just fast track Joe Schmo to bankruptcy
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strong disagree 1. casinos 2. lotteries 3. option trading 4. penny stocks 5. meme stocks plus accredited is shibboleth of class
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I hate all of those things 😂 I This is compelling and may get me to change my view only because we are so far gone (esp with gambling) that who even cares anymore, it’s illogical to have any rules against any of it. +1 for nihilism
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Moving the ~$100 billion American's spend on lottery tickets each year into savings is one of the single biggest levers that could be pulled to help Americans.
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The conversation has evolved considerably since this. There have been arguments made to me in the intervening that your idea, while true and correct in a practical sense, is an impossibility because some % of speculation is not only inevitable but good, and the solve is not eliminating it entirely….
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….but shifting away from the bad (lottery tickets, sports gambling, shitcoins) to good (like business investments). And if we allow for more of the “good” it will decrease the bad I myself am now less sure of my personal position than ever ha
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