Katherine pfp
My “first cast” 😆 “hi I messed up” (I lost access to my first Farcaster acct and huffed off before coming back with a new account. I was so embarrassed to return hahaha) Frame by @tom-major
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Jerry-d 🍖👽🎩⛓️ ↑ pfp
Jerry-d 🍖👽🎩⛓️ ↑
Katherine, my first cast was replying to you. 🥹You casted about the Boeing airplane window that flew off and the iPhone that flew out the window. The phone still worked.
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yangwao ↑ pfp
yangwao ↑
Hi5, somehow I've lost access to the first one too, nothing to be ashamed of
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Valhalla 1🎩🔮🍖  pfp
Valhalla 1🎩🔮🍖
Little did you know it was the best cast ever haha
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