So I’ve been watching the reaction on twt to the “lobbyists are forcing more animal cruelty to save money thing” There is a fundamental ignorance of what Brix is saying here: that industry consolidation and market dynamics (chicken forcing race to bottom) cause this Instead people are saying 1. Cruelty free meat at scale is impossible and this is why we need bioidentical meat substitutes 2. Cruelty free meat at scale is impossible, and we should just accept this unless we want to depopulate So, in conclusion, we are never fixing anything
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Vegetarianism is a thing but people won't even consider it 🤦♂️
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Beans are a thing and someday people will wake up to realize there’s no bean flu, bean hormone, bean antibiotic and little cruelty other than farts
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no need to depopulate, eat the things we feed the animals and boom we have 8 times the nutrients and can feed 8 times the people
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MattwithouttheT 🎩
Animal agriculture is a big problem for more than one reason. The resource use, the dietary/health implications, the impact on climate. I’m not saying we should all be vegan, but we could benefit from a lot less meat in our diets, and a lot less big ag money in our government.
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Cool Beans 🌞
Most likely the lobbyists work for the big Both are a problem we need to solve. Luckily people are working on it, they're just not on your twt feed. ✌️❤️🌎
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