keccers pfp
Sling looks awesome, the most consumer friendly thing I’ve seen out of crypto in a long time Is Solana 🔑 to Sling’s user friendliness? Like, is there any reason this isn’t on Base (other than having to have higher txn fees)
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Chukwuka Osakwe pfp
Chukwuka Osakwe
Guy starts by saying this could only be possible on Solana, I sit up and listen hoping he's not wildly exaggerating.
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keccers pfp
My (extremely limited) understanding is that the way Solana handles validation allows it to have way cheaper txn fees. Unclear exactly how much cheaper and if this is the only thing drawing amazing consumer builders to the space. I’ve not seen anything comparable on anything ETH tho
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Nick Ducoff pfp
Nick Ducoff
Wayyy cheaper
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keccers pfp
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tldr (tim reilly) pfp
tldr (tim reilly)
But comes with a big decentralization trade off. A couple orders of magnitude less # of unique validators than ETH. Highly susceptible to attack.
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Nick Ducoff pfp
Nick Ducoff
Um no, you’re misinformed (this slide is a little of date but directionally accurate)
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tldr (tim reilly) pfp
tldr (tim reilly)
How’d they crack the Trilemma? 🤨
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keccers pfp
This thread is largely over my head 🙈 But one thing I observe is that a strong commitment to decentralization is a very ideological stance that doesn’t seem to resonate with a mainstream audience (yet) 🙈 🙈 🙈
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tldr (tim reilly) pfp
tldr (tim reilly)
May be true. But it’s not just “ideological”. The literal entire value proposition of crypto is based on decentralization. Any shortcuts around it should be treaded cautiously. We’ve seen in the last couple years where shortcuts can lead.
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