Kyle pfp



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Kyle pfp
Protocols like @rocketpool are going to get squeezed out much like early solo LP providers. DeFi summer was a renaissance for DeFi, like Staking protocols were for solo stakers… Now the yield is too low without some core changes to extensibility for the average staker. How do we save solo staking?
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Kyle pfp
And for visibility, we now support 5 networks with our Model Based Detection (MBD) Op, Arb, Polygon, Eth mainnet, zkSync Models for NFT community participation and POAPs are also nearly live. You can learn more about the MBD API at our docs page:
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Kyle pfp
Update for folks following along. Passport is now onchain and thriving in this L2 world. You can push your passport score (using attestations) to the follow networks: ⛓️ @arbitrum ⛓️ @linea ⛓️ @optimism ⛓️ @zksync The summer is going to be onchain!
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Kyle pfp
The actions airdrop farmers and Sybil’s take are identical, but the number of wallets a single human has is what distinguishes them. (Ie, I’m a farmer with five or less wallets, I’m Sybil with more than 5) Thoughts?
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Kyle pfp
Excited to curate a space for those interested in identity. Lately discussions around differences between “air drop farmer” and “Sybil” are being debated.
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Kyle pfp
Welcome. It begins.
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Kyle pfp
My Farcaster Score is 1.19 with Tier New 👶 I have some work to do 😅 frame by @justin-eth 🤝🏻
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Kyle pfp
One thing Warpcast is so much better at than X… notification icon actually works on the app 🙏
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Kyle pfp
So many marketers LOVE improv... why... why Improv 😂
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Kyle pfp
I suppose I should update my PFP now too
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Kyle pfp
Kind of feeling the FOMO on farcon. Excited to follow along remotely.
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Kyle pfp
Omg. That number of unread text messages 😭 Your mom misses you!
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Kyle pfp
🔥Passing the Torch🔥 An update for me as I step down as Exec Director of the @gitcoin Foundation to focus on Gitcoin Passport A leader's time in a DAO should be impactful, but not forever. I'm excited to empower the next wave of leaders! Update here👇
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Kyle pfp
Back stateside. What’d I miss?
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Kyle pfp
9749 IYKYK
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Kyle pfp
L3s seem like a UX nightmare to onboard users. But, likely very sticky and fine if it’s an app chain or very well defined ecosystem. Good luck Gold.
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Kyle pfp
Why FID such a big thing?
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Kyle pfp
For those at #ethcc - G7 the way to go or Uber?
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Kyle pfp
Most crypto friendly cities that also are great for kiddos?
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