kazan.eth pfp
As many of you have noticed, @RadioGenoa has been silent since June 11th. His house was raided by the police on June 13th. They took his phone, iPad, access to his X acct and email acct. Antonio Mastantuono was doxxed by left wing media on Dutch TV in May. Since them, many left wing activists have been making false reports to the police about him to try to shut down his reports about illegal migrants in Europe. The investigation is related to a Telegram channel that Antonio has no connection to. Someone created the Telegram channel and just used similar branding to piggyback off of @RadioGenoa. He is accused of racism and Nazism, none of which he does on his X account. His lawyers have reviewed the case and tell him that they are just trying to intimidate @RadioGenoa into stop sharing videos on X related to the illegal migrant invasion of Europe. Here is the link to a GoFundMe if you want to support @RadioGenoa in his fight to recover his devices and his access to his social media accounts. gofund
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