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At some point, my already inflated ego reached another peak. At that moment, I was free and I started thinking about how lucky my future partner would be. I realized how many wonderful and beautiful things I could bring to a relationship. How much I can share with a man ! From these thoughts, my self-value increased significantly. In this regard, I began to pay more attention to myself and my needs, which naturally led to positive growth in the physical, spiritual and psychological planes. People around me noticed the positive changes in me. As a consequence, there was competition. In the struggle for my attention won the strongest 😎
The meaning of this story, written in a form joke, is as follows :
When entering a relationship think NOT about what to take from your partner, but what you yourself can give. And if you have something truly valuable and unique, you will see that every second look at you, every third wants to be with you, and every fourth has already entered the battle for your attention. 0 reply
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