Ekaterina pfp



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Ekaterina pfp
Minted G.MONAD
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Ekaterina pfp
Minted MONAD
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Ekaterina pfp
Absolutely! Community is the backbone of any successful project. Without a strong network of people who believe in, support, and actively contribute to what you're building, the journey becomes far more challenging. A vibrant community not only amplifies your efforts but also provides crucial feedback, energy, and momentum. It's through shared vision and collaboration that ideas truly scale and grow. Going it alone is tough, but with community, the journey becomes more dynamic, fulfilling, and, ultimately, impactful.
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Ekaterina pfp
My son said: “Mom, soon you'll make a lot of money and you'll buy me an ATV.” Eh, son, you have no idea how much I'm looking forward to this moment. The motivation to work hard is off the charts. For such smiles and dreams it is worth moving forward without stopping! 😍 🙏
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Ekaterina pfp
Minted Hemi™ "GM" NFT
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Ekaterina pfp
How many miracles there are in our lives... I was so happy to see on the charts that Bitcoin and altcoin soared like a rocket. The rates grew non-stop, and people all over the world suddenly became rich, their wallets lit up like treasure chests. In Warpcast, everyone congratulated each other, chats were ablaze with joy and success. The world united in the euphoria of the cryptocurrency breakthrough. People laughed, shared their unexpected successes. It seemed that happiness covered everyone. But suddenly everything began to calm down... Well, what is this - it's a dream again.
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Ekaterina pfp
I stood in the dark forest, the trees seemed endless and leaned toward me as if they wanted to grab me with their branches. The silence was so deafening that every step I took echoed in my head. Suddenly I heard a low whisper behind me, but when I turned around, I saw no one. The whisper grew louder and louder, turning into a terrifying laughter. I ran, but my feet felt like they were stuck to the ground. The shadows thickened, and strange figures began to emerge from them, holding out their hands toward me. The cold chilled me to the bone, and I felt as if they were about to grab me... And then I woke up.
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Ekaterina pfp
Oh...I haven't written anything here for a long time)) Bitcoin has risen a bit, should we expect alta to rise?
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Ekaterina pfp
I have replied 8 times out of 300 and Recasted/quoted 1 times out of 150. How about you? If you like this frame do share and follow the builder @abss 😆 😆 not too thick
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Ekaterina pfp
Minted Hyperlane x Binance
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Ekaterina pfp
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Ekaterina pfp
Ⓜ️oxie jail? frame by @degenfans
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Ekaterina pfp
Minted Zorb by Sahara
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Ekaterina pfp
Collect Public Parks and DAOs: The Rise of Digital Cities with Alex Zhang from Mint Podcast on Pods!
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Ekaterina pfp
When you've come to terms with the rollercoaster that's going downhill 📈 📈 📈 📉 📉 📉 📉 📉 📉 📉 Keep calm 🙏
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Ekaterina pfp
During a bear market in cryptocurrency, it is recommended to review your investment portfolio, evaluate the long-term prospects of assets and increase investments in quality projects. Exploring new opportunities such as DeFi and NFTs can help as they may be less susceptible to bear markets. It is useful to study: read books, take courses and communicate with experts to improve your knowledge. It's also worth considering a dollar-cost averaging (DCA) strategy to reduce average asset appreciation. It is important to periodically take a break from trading and focus on other interests or hobbies to avoid stress and temporarily exit the crypto sphere.
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Ekaterina pfp
Поговорила немного с ИИ 😆 Вместе фанфик сочиняли 😀 На горизонте финансового мира засияло новое утро, когда инвесторы собрались в обновленном зале старинной биржи. Скандалы и колебания курсов оставили на них свой след, но теперь выглядели скорее как вызов, чем как проклятие. Светлый уголок занимали дебаты о DeFi и NFT, где гениальные умы обсуждали, как технологии могут изменить правила игры. Среди присутствующих была Анна, опытный криптоинвестор с надеждой в глазах. Она всегда верила, что за непростыми временами приходит расцвет. 👇
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Ekaterina pfp
Не могу пройти вот эти квесты, при клике выходит вот это окно, не пойму что нужно сделать, по видео на ютубе ничего не получается. Подскажите, направьте 🙏
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Ekaterina pfp
Сегодня здесь я буду с сыном 😍
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Ekaterina pfp
В конце августа солнце прощается с летом, предвещая осень. Природа начинает изменяться: листья меняют цвет, утренний туман добавляет таинственности. Мировые тона становятся яркими — оранжевыми, красными и золотыми. Шелест опадающей листвы напоминает о уютных вечерах с пледами и горячим чаем, создавая атмосферу романтики и размышлений о жизни и мечтах. В последние дни лета сохраняется яркость, но зреет ожидание новых начинаний и встреч. Осень стучится в двери, и мы готовы её встретить, принимая её дары с благодарностью и надеждой. А Вы любите осень? 🧡
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